"I can't believe I'm old enough to have a child graduating from high school!" Those are words I've heard come out of many peoples mouths but never thought it was that big of a deal...until I'm the one that's old enough to have a child graduate from high school! Along with my own child graduating, he also has lots of friends graduating....friends he wants to give gifts to. So, I decided to put together a simple yet cute gift.
Dr Suess always says it best, right?! This can be as cheap as the candy bar and paper, or tuck some cash or a gift card inside.

I started out with an XL symphony candy bar. I wrapped a piece of white paper around it and taped it on. I used our school colors and added a pattern strip of paper that I wrapped around and taped also. Next I cut out the poem and backed it in maroon cardstock and placed it over the patterned strip. I found some fun sparkly yarn that I wrapped around the remaining white paper and then added this fun graduation cap. I had some paper with our school name on it that added a fun touch. I didn't have enough for all 20 I needed though, so I added a PVHS to make it fun.
I cut the graduation cap out on my Cricut Explore. I love how you can buy 1 image instead of purchasing a whole cartridge! I only cut out these two pieces and then snipped the tassel off so I could add my own.
For my tassel (which I think makes the whole hat), I used embroidery floss. I was able to get 6-7 tassels per skein of floss. I wrapped the floss around my fingers five or six times and then left a long tail.
I then wrapped the tail around one end a few times to make it look like a knot, and then tied it off leaving a short tail to attach to the hat. Snip off the ends and it's good to go. I attached the two pieces with a puffy glue dot to give it dimension. I love how they turned out!
Pull out all those scrap pieces of paper and turn them into a stinkin' cute grad gift!
Happy Summer! Let the pool sitting, bon bon eating, lemonade drinking begin...I'm ready!